Why is music so important?
A good quality music education is a vital part of any child's development and education, but there can often be a lot of things that get in the way. One of the most common issues in schools is that music just isn't given the attention it deserves, whether it be in the form of governments setting it as a low priority in the curriculum, universities not preparing their teaching graduates to teach music, or schools and their communities imagining music to be less important than subjects like English and Maths. This affects funding, time allocation, and the general environment in which kids experience music, and even the most dedicated and enthusiastic teacher can often find themselves fighting an uphill battle.

There has been abundant research that shows the positive effects that the arts have not only on every aspect of an individual's life, but on society as a whole. Music is not a luxury. It is not the domain only of the wealthy or the privileged. It is a vital aspect of life as a human being and any child who is not given the chance to experience it fully is not getting the education they deserve.
On this page I have linked some of my personal favourite pieces of research that support this. There are, of course, many many more.
The benefits of the arts on health (UK)
Music training speeds up brain development in children
Music, Character, and Moral Development
Music Australia- An article on music education, includes links to excellent additional resources including advocacy kit and School Music Provision